Understanding Type Checking in Python: Using type() and isinstance()

Understanding Type Checking in Python: Using type() and isinstance()

In Python, checking the type or class of an object is a common task that can help developers understand their code better and ensure that objects are being used correctly. In this blog post, we’ll explore two built-in functions, type() and isinstance(), that assist in type checking. We’ll provide example code to illustrate their usage and discuss the advantages of each method.

Why Check Object Types?

Knowing the type of an object is essential for several reasons:

  • Debugging: Helps identify errors related to incorrect object types.
  • Type Safety: Ensures that methods and operations are performed on compatible object types.
  • Code Clarity: Improves code readability and maintainability.

Using the type() Function

The type() function returns the type of an object. It can be used to compare the types of different objects.

Example Code

Let’s start with a simple example involving two classes: Book and Newspaper.

					class Book:  

class Newspaper:  

# Creating instances of the classes  
B1 = Book()  
N1 = Newspaper()  
B2 = Book()  
N2 = Newspaper()  

# Checking types using type()  
print("B1 is of type:", type(B1))  # Output: <class '__main__.Book'>  
print("N1 is of type:", type(N1))  # Output: <class '__main__.Newspaper'>  

# Comparing types  
print("Is B1 the same type as B2?", type(B1) == type(B2))  # Output: True  
print("Is B1 the same type as N2?", type(B1) == type(N2))  # Output: False

Output Explanation

  • The output confirms that B1 is of type Book and N1 is of type Newspaper.
  • The comparison shows that both B1 and B2 are of the same type (Book), while B1 and N2 are not.

Using the isinstance() Function

While type() is useful, isinstance() is often preferred for checking if an object is an instance of a particular class or a subclass. This function is cleaner and handles inheritance more gracefully.

Example Code

Continuing from our previous example, let’s check instances using isinstance().

					# Checking instances using isinstance()  
print("Is B1 a Book?", isinstance(B1, Book))  # Output: True  
print("Is N1 a Newspaper?", isinstance(N1, Newspaper))  # Output: True  
print("Is N2 a Book?", isinstance(N2, Book))  # Output: False  

# Checking against the built-in object class  
print("Is N2 an instance of object?", isinstance(N2, object))  # Output: True

Output Explanation

  • The output confirms that B1 is indeed a Book and N1 is a Newspaper.
  • The check for N2 being a Book returns False, as expected.
  • Lastly, since all classes in Python inherit from objectN2 is confirmed to be an instance of object.

Advantages of isinstance()

  • Subclass Supportisinstance() checks for inheritance, allowing it to return True for subclasses as well.
  • Cleaner Syntax: It provides a more readable and concise way to check types compared to comparing the results of type().


Understanding how to check the type of an object in Python is an important skill for any developer. While both type() and isinstance() serve the purpose of type checking, isinstance() is generally the better option due to its support for inheritance and its cleaner syntax. By using these functions appropriately, you can write more robust and maintainable Python code.