Understanding Inheritance in Python: A Guide to Object-Oriented Programming

Understanding Inheritance in Python: A Guide to Object-Oriented Programming

Inheritance is one of the core concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows a class (child class) to inherit attributes and methods from another class (parent class). This approach promotes code reusability and helps in organizing code more efficiently. In this blog post, we will explore how inheritance works in Python using a practical example involving publications like books, magazines, and newspapers.

What is Inheritance?

Inheritance enables a new class to adopt the properties and behaviors of an existing class. This not only reduces code duplication but also makes it easier to manage and extend codebases. In Python, inheritance is implemented by defining a new class that inherits from an existing class.

The Publication Class

To illustrate inheritance, we will create a hierarchy of classes representing different types of publications. First, we will define a base class named Publication that will contain common attributes shared by all publication types, such as title and price.

Example Code for Publication Class

					class Publication:  
    def __init__(self, title, price):  
        self.title = title  
        self.price = price

Creating Specific Publication Classes

Next, we will create three specific publication classes: BookMagazine, and Newspaper. Each of these classes will inherit from the Publication class.

The Book Class

The Book class will include additional attributes specific to books, such as author and pages.

Example Code for Book Class

					class Book(Publication):  
    def __init__(self, title, price, author, pages):  
        super().__init__(title, price)  
        self.author = author  
        self.pages = pages

The Periodical Class

Since both Magazine and Newspaper share additional attributes like period and publisher, we can create another class named Periodical that inherits from Publication.

Example Code for Periodical Class

					class Periodical(Publication):  
    def __init__(self, title, price, period, publisher):  
        super().__init__(title, price)  
        self.period = period  
        self.publisher = publisher

The Magazine and Newspaper Classes

Now we can define the Magazine and Newspaper classes, both of which will inherit from Periodical.

Example Code for Magazine Class

					class Magazine(Periodical):  
    def __init__(self, title, price, period, publisher):  
        super().__init__(title, price, period, publisher)

Example Code for Newspaper Class

class Newspaper(Periodical):
def __init__(self, title, price, period, publisher):
super().__init__(title, price, period, publisher)

Creating Instances of the Classes

Now that we have our class hierarchy set up, we can create instances of our publication classes and access their attributes.

Example Code for Creating Instances

					# Creating instances of each class  
book1 = Book("The Great Gatsby", 10.99, "F. Scott Fitzgerald", 180)  
magazine1 = Magazine("National Geographic", 5.99, "Monthly", "National Geographic Society")  
newspaper1 = Newspaper("The New York Times", 2.50, "Daily", "The New York Times Company")  

# Accessing attributes  
print(f"Book: {book1.title}, Author: {book1.author}, Price: {book1.price}")  
print(f"Magazine: {magazine1.title}, Publisher: {magazine1.publisher}, Price: {magazine1.price}")  
print(f"Newspaper: {newspaper1.title}, Publisher: {newspaper1.publisher}, Price: {newspaper1.price}")

Benefits of Using Inheritance

  1. Code Reusability: By defining common attributes and methods in a parent class, child classes can reuse this code without redefining it.
  2. Improved Organization: Inheritance helps in organizing code logically, making it easier to manage and understand.
  3. Easier Maintenance: Changes to shared attributes or methods need to be made only in the parent class, simplifying maintenance.


Inheritance is a powerful feature in Python that allows for better organization and reusability of code. By creating a class hierarchy, we can streamline our code and reduce redundancy. In our example, we successfully demonstrated how to create a publication system using inheritance, making it easier to manage different types of publications.