Stocks and Bonds with Inheritance

In this blog post, we’ll tackle an interesting programming challenge that involves creating a class structure using inheritance to represent both stocks and bonds. This exercise will help you understand the concept of inheritance, abstract base classes, and how to design a class hierarchy in Python.

The Challenge

The goal of this challenge is to create a class structure where both stocks and bonds are represented as subclasses of a common base class. The base class will include shared attributes and methods, while the subclasses will define their specific properties and behaviors. Additionally, the base class should be abstract, meaning that it cannot be instantiated directly.


  • Base Class: Define an abstract base class that represents a generic financial asset. This class should include attributes such as price and an abstract method get_description.

  • Stock Class: A subclass that represents a stock. This class should include additional attributes like company_name and ticker_symbol. The get_description method should return a string that provides details about the stock.

  • Bond Class: A subclass that represents a bond. This class should include additional attributes like description, duration, and yield_percentage. The get_description method should return a string that provides details about the bond.

  • Abstract Base Class: Ensure that developers cannot instantiate the base class directly, and that the get_description method must be overridden in the subclasses.

Step-by-Step Implementation

Let’s break down the implementation of this challenge.

1. Create the Abstract Base Class

First, we create an abstract base class named Asset. This class will include the common attribute price and an abstract method get_description.

					from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Asset(ABC):
    def __init__(self, price):
        self.price = price
    def get_description(self):


In the code above, Asset inherits from ABC (Abstract Base Class), which makes it abstract. The get_description method is marked with the @abstractmethod decorator, enforcing that it must be implemented by any subclass.

2. Create the Stock Class

Next, we define a Stock class that inherits from Asset. This class adds company_name and ticker_symbol attributes, and it implements the get_description method.

					class Stock(Asset):
    def __init__(self, price, company_name, ticker_symbol):
        self.company_name = company_name
        self.ticker_symbol = ticker_symbol
    def get_description(self):
        return f"Stock: {self.company_name} ({self.ticker_symbol}), Price: ${self.price:.2f}"


The Stock class calls the super() function to initialize the price attribute in the Asset base class. The get_description method returns a formatted string that provides details about the stock.

3. Create the Bond Class

Similarly, we define a Bond class that also inherits from Asset. This class adds description, duration, and yield_percentage attributes, and it implements the get_description method.

					class Bond(Asset):
    def __init__(self, price, description, duration, yield_percentage):
        self.description = description
        self.duration = duration
        self.yield_percentage = yield_percentage
    def get_description(self):
        return (f"Bond: {self.description}, Duration: {self.duration} years, "
                f"Yield: {self.yield_percentage:.2f}%, Price: ${self.price:.2f}")


The Bond class also uses super() to initialize the price attribute, and the get_description method returns a formatted string with details about the bond.

Testing the Implementation

Let’s create instances of Stock and Bond, and see how the get_description method works.

					if __name__ == "__main__":
        # This should raise an error
        asset = Asset(1000)
    except TypeError as e:
        print(f"Error: {e}")
    # Create a Stock instance
    apple_stock = Stock(150.00, "Apple Inc.", "AAPL")

    # Create a Bond instance
    treasury_bond = Bond(1000.00, "U.S. Treasury Bond", 10, 1.5)


When you run the above code, you should see the following output:

					Error: Can't instantiate abstract class Asset with abstract method get_description
Stock: Apple Inc. (AAPL), Price: $150.00
Bond: U.S. Treasury Bond, Duration: 10 years, Yield: 1.50%, Price: $1000.00



This challenge demonstrates how to use inheritance and abstract base classes in Python to create a flexible and maintainable class hierarchy. By defining a common base class and enforcing that certain methods be overridden in subclasses, you can create a robust structure for representing related objects like stocks and bonds. This approach not only improves code organization but also ensures that each subclass provides the specific behavior it is supposed to.

Inheritance and abstract classes are powerful tools in object-oriented programming, and mastering them will significantly enhance your ability to design and implement complex systems.