40: Understanding Static and Instance Methods in Python

Understanding Static and Instance Methods in Python


 In Python, understanding the concepts of static and instance methods is crucial for effective programming. These methods play different roles in defining classes and handling data. Let’s delve into these concepts with the help of an example code snippet.

Code Example:

					class WordSet:
    replace_puncs = ['!', '.', ',', "'"]

    def clean_text(text):
        for punc in WordSet.replace_puncs:
            text = text.replace(punc, '')
        return text.lower()

    def __init__(self):
        self.words = set()

    def add_text(self, text):
        cleaned_text = WordSet.clean_text(text)
        for word in cleaned_text.split():

# Example Usage
word_set = WordSet()
word_set.add_text("Hi, I'm, here is a sentence I want to add.")
word_set.add_text("Here is another sentence I want to add, period.")


  • In the code above, we define a class WordSet that contains a static variable replace_puncs which holds the punctuation marks to be replaced.
  • The clean_text method is a static method that removes specified punctuation marks from the text and converts it to lowercase.
  • The add_text method is an instance method that adds cleaned words from the text to the WordSet.
  • We demonstrate the usage of these methods by creating an instance of WordSet and adding text to it.


Understanding static and instance methods in Python is essential for structuring your code effectively. By leveraging static methods for unchanging logic and instance methods for class-specific operations, you can write cleaner and more maintainable code. Experiment with these concepts in your Python projects to enhance your programming skills.