String Representation in Python with Magic Methods

In Python, understanding how to customize the string representation of objects is an essential skill, particularly when working with object-oriented programming. Python provides two key magic methods, __str__ and __repr__, that allow you to control how your objects are represented as strings. These methods are invoked automatically by Python in different contexts, such as when you print an object or when you cast an object to a string. This blog will explore these methods, their differences, and how to use them effectively.

What are __str__ and __repr__?

  • __str__: The __str__ method is intended to return a user-friendly string description of the object. This string is what gets displayed to the user when the object is printed or when str() is called on the object. The goal of __str__ is to provide a readable and meaningful representation that is easy to understand.

  • __repr__: The __repr__ method is designed to provide a more developer-centric string representation of the object. Ideally, this string should be a valid Python expression that could be used to recreate the object in its current state. __repr__ is often used for debugging purposes because it gives detailed information about the object.

How They Work

These methods get invoked automatically in various scenarios:

  • When you print an object: Python calls the __str__ method.
  • When you cast an object to a string using str(): Python calls the __str__ method.
  • When you use the repr() function: Python calls the __repr__ method.
  • In interactive sessions or debuggers: Python calls the __repr__ method to display objects.

A Practical Example

Let’s walk through an example using a simple Book class to see how __str__ and __repr__ work in practice.

					class Book:
    def __init__(self, title, author, price):
        self.title = title = author
        self.price = price

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.title} by {} costs ${self.price}"

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Book(title='{self.title}', author='{}', price={self.price})"

# Creating book objects
book1 = Book("1984", "George Orwell", 9.99)
book2 = Book("Brave New World", "Aldous Huxley", 8.99)

# Printing the objects

# Using str and repr functions


Running the Code

If you run this code, you’ll notice the difference in the output when using __str__ versus __repr__:


					1984 by George Orwell costs $9.99
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley costs $8.99
1984 by George Orwell costs $9.99
Book(title='Brave New World', author='Aldous Huxley', price=8.99)

  • The first two lines are generated by the __str__ method, which provides a concise and readable description of each book.
  • The last line is the output from the repr() function, showcasing a more detailed, developer-friendly string that could be used to recreate the Book object.

Why Override __str__ and __repr__?

By default, if you don’t override __str__ and __repr__, Python will return a generic string that identifies the object’s class and its location in memory, which isn’t particularly useful. Here’s what the output might look like without overriding these methods:


					<__main__.Book object at 0x7f8e9d2f1b50>
<__main__.Book object at 0x7f8e9d2f1b50>


As you can see, this doesn’t provide any meaningful information about the object itself.

Best Practices

  • Always Override __repr__: It’s a good practice to always provide a __repr__ method for your classes, as it helps immensely with debugging. A well-defined __repr__ can make your debugging process more straightforward.
  • Use __str__ for User-Friendly Output: If your objects will be printed or displayed to end-users, defining __str__ is crucial for making sure the output is clear and informative.


The __str__ and __repr__ methods are powerful tools for customizing how your objects are represented as strings. By overriding these methods, you can ensure that your objects provide meaningful information both to end-users and developers. This not only enhances the usability of your code but also improves your debugging experience.

Understanding and effectively using these magic methods is an important step in mastering Python’s object-oriented capabilities.