Mastering Class Methods and Static Methods in Python

Mastering Class Methods and Static Methods in Python

In this blog, we will explore two important concepts in Python programming: class methods and static methods. Understanding these concepts is crucial for making your code more efficient, organized, and easier to maintain. We’ll walk through examples of how to implement class methods and static methods in a Python class, specifically focusing on a Book class. Let’s dive in!

What are Class Methods?

Class methods are methods that are bound to the class rather than its instances. They can access and modify class state that applies across all instances of the class. You declare a class method with the @classmethod decorator, and the first parameter is always the class itself, conventionally named cls.

Example Code: Implementing Class Methods

Let’s create a Book class that uses class methods to manage a collection of book types.

					class Book:  
    # Class attribute  

    def __init__(self, title, booktype):  
        if booktype not in Book.BOOK_TYPES:  
            raise ValueError(f"{booktype} is not a valid book type")  
        self.title = title  
        self.booktype = booktype  

    def get_book_types(cls):  
        return cls.BOOK_TYPES

Explanation of the Code

  1. Class Attribute:

    • BOOK_TYPES: A tuple that holds valid book types.
  2. Constructor Method:

    • __init__: Validates the booktype against BOOK_TYPES.
  3. Class Method:

    • get_book_types: Returns the tuple of book types. It uses cls to refer to the class.

Demonstrating Class Methods

Now, let’s see how we can leverage our Book class to retrieve the book types.

Example Code: Utilizing the Class Method

					# Create instances of Book  
b1 = Book("Book One", "HARDCOVER")  
b2 = Book("Book Two", "PAPERBACK")  

# Accessing class methods  
print("Available book types:", Book.get_book_types())

Expected Output

When you run this code, you should see:

					Available book types: ('HARDCOVER', 'PAPERBACK', 'EBOOK')

What are Static Methods?

Static methods, on the other hand, do not modify the class or instance state. They are defined within a class using the @staticmethod decorator and can be called on the class without needing an instance. These methods are useful when some functionality is related to the class, but it doesn’t require access to instance-specific data.

Example Code: Implementing Static Methods

Continuing with our Book class, let’s add a static method that keeps track of a list of books created.

					class Book:  
    __booklist = None  # Private class attribute  

    def __init__(self, title, booktype):  
        if booktype not in Book.BOOK_TYPES:  
            raise ValueError(f"{booktype} is not a valid book type")  
        self.title = title  
        self.booktype = booktype  

    def get_book_types(cls):  
        return cls.BOOK_TYPES  

    def get_booklist():  
        if Book.__booklist is None:  
            Book.__booklist = []  # Initialize the list if it was None  
        return Book.__booklist

Explanation of the Code

  1. Private Class Attribute:

    • __booklist: A private variable initialized to None.
  2. Static Method:

    • get_booklist: Initializes __booklist as an empty list if it hasn’t been created yet and returns it.

Using Static Methods

We will now use the static method to add our created books to the list.

Example Code: Adding Books to the List

					# Create instances of Book  
b1 = Book("Book One", "HARDCOVER")  
b2 = Book("Book Two", "PAPERBACK")  

# Add books to the book list  
the_books = Book.get_booklist()  

# Display the books  
for book in the_books:  
    print(f"Title: {book.title}, Type: {book.booktype}")

Expected Output

When you run this code, you should see:

					Title: Book One, Type: HARDCOVER  
Title: Book Two, Type: PAPERBACK


In this blog post, we examined the concepts of class methods and static methods in Python. We implemented these methods in a Book class to handle book types and manage a book list. Class methods are useful for accessing class attributes, while static methods provide functionality that does not require instance or class-level data. Utilizing these features can lead to cleaner, more organized, and more efficient code.