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6: Mastering Coding Challenges with CoderPad

Mastering Coding Challenges with CoderPad


In this course, we’ll be using CoderPad for the coding challenges. CoderPad is integrated into the LinkedIn Learning Course website, making it convenient to write and test code directly within the learning environment. In this blog, we’ll explore how to effectively use CoderPad for tackling coding challenges and improving your coding skills.

Getting Started

To begin with, make sure to access the coding challenges through the LinkedIn Learning Course website. Click on the challenge you want to work on, and you’ll be directed to CoderPad. It’s recommended to use CoderPad on a desktop browser for a better experience

Understanding the Interface

CoderPad consists of four main screens:

  1. Instructions: This screen provides detailed instructions about the challenge, including the expected output, examples, and hints for solving the problem. Make sure to read the instructions carefully before starting.

  2. Answer Panel: This is where you’ll write your code. The panel typically contains an empty function that you need to implement. You’ll write your solution inside this function.

  3. Test Code: Here, you’ll find test cases that will be used to evaluate your code. It’s essential to understand these test cases to ensure your code meets the requirements.

  4. Console Output: This screen displays the output of your code when you run the tests. Pay attention to any errors or unexpected output, as they can help you debug your code.

Writing Code and Testing

When writing your code, resist the temptation to hard-code the expected output based on the provided test cases. While it might get the tests to pass, it won’t help you learn and improve your coding skills. Instead, focus on writing a general solution that can handle various inputs.

After writing your code, click the “Test my code” button to run the tests. Monitor the console output to see if your code produces the expected results. If your code fails the tests, use the console output to debug and refine your solution.

Example Code

Let’s consider a simple coding challenge as an example. Suppose the challenge is to write a function that returns the sum of two numbers. Here’s how you can approach it in CoderPad:

					# Function to calculate the sum of two numbers
def calculate_sum(a, b):
    return a + b



CoderPad is a powerful tool for practicing coding challenges and honing your coding skills. By following the tips outlined in this blog, you can make the most out of your coding practice sessions and improve your problem-solving abilities.